7 Best Barbell Tricep Exercises for Arm Definition

Achieving well-defined arms requires a focused workout regimen, especially targeting the triceps muscles. While many people concentrate on the biceps curl, it’s essential to remember that the triceps make up a significant portion of the upper arm. Integrating effective barbell tricep exercises can significantly enhance your arm definition. Here are seven best barbell tricep exercises to help you train your triceps and achieve those sculpted arms.

1. Extension of the Barbell Lying Triceps


The barbell lying triceps extension is one of the best workouts for building muscle in the triceps. Alternatively referred to as the lying tricep barbell extension, this exercise works the triceps’ three heads and offers a full-body workout.

Lie flat on a bench with your feet firmly planted on the floor. Hold a barbell using an overhand grip and placing your hands shoulder-width apart.

As you raise the barbell over your chest, maintain a straight arm position.

Bending at the elbows, slowly drop the barbell toward your forehead.

Return to the beginning posture by extending your elbows.

This exercise, which is sometimes called “skull crushers,” does wonders for triceps isolation. Maintaining control over the complete range of motion is essential to getting the most out of this workout. Squeeze your triceps as you stretch back to the starting position, making sure the barbell descends slowly and deliberately.

2. Bench Press with Close-Grip Barbell


This exercise complements any workout that targets the triceps muscles because it also works the shoulders and chest.

The starting position is lying down on a bench with your feet on the floor. Hold the barbell tightly, keeping your hands shoulder-width apart.

Keeping your elbows close to your torso, lower the barbell to your lower chest.

Extend your elbows to press the barbell back to the starting position.

While the chest and shoulders are still worked, the triceps receive most of the strain during a close-grip bench press. Compared to isolation workouts, this compound action enables you to lift larger weights, enhancing overall strength and muscular growth. Maintain a flat back and a strong core throughout the exercise to guarantee correct form.

3. Barbell Tricep Extension Overhead


The overhead tricep extension barbell lying exercise targets the long head of the triceps and enhances arm definition and growth.

Place both hands on a barbell while standing with your feet shoulder-width apart.

With your arms outstretched, raise the barbell above your head.

Bend your elbows to bring the barbell down behind your head.

Extend your elbows to bring yourself back to the beginning position.

You can also execute this exercise while sitting down for increased stability. For the triceps to fully develop, the long head must be properly targeted, which is ensured by the overhead posture. To prevent shoulder pain, make sure your elbows are directed forward and do not flare out.

4. Crushers for Barbell Skulls


This exercise is done on a bench and is similar to the barbell lying triceps extension; however, it is slightly different in that it targets the triceps more intensely.

Take a bench seat and grasp a barbell with an overhand grip.

Raise the barbell to your chest.

Bending at the elbows, lower the barbell toward your forehead.

To raise the barbell back to the beginning position, extend your elbows.

Skull crushers may effectively isolate the triceps and can also target different triceps locations by adjusting the grip breadth and angle. Ensuring complete triceps engagement and preventing potential injuries requires maintaining control throughout the exercise.

5. Extension of the Barbell Triceps Standing


This is a great workout to isolate the triceps and provides a full range of motion.

Placing your feet shoulder-width apart, take an overhand grip on a barbell.

Raise the barbell above your head while maintaining a straight arm position.

Lower the barbell behind your head by bending your elbows.

Return to the beginning posture by extending your elbows.

This tricep extension is extra difficult to do while standing, which calls for core stability and balance. With an emphasis on the triceps, this version aids in activating the stabilizing muscles in the lower body and core.

6. Barbell Kickbacks for Triceps


Barbell tricep kickbacks are a great isolation exercise that helps define and target the triceps muscle directly.

Beginning position:

  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Slant slightly forward.
  • Grasp the barbell with an overhand grip.

To push the barbell back, stretch your elbows while keeping your upper arms still.

Bend your elbows to get back to the beginning position.

You can execute this exercise one arm at a time using a dumbbell for even more isolation. To enhance the activation of the triceps, make sure the upper arms stay steady and the action is regulated.

7. Push-up Barbell


While commonly categorized as a shoulder exercise, the barbell push press is actually a terrific compound activity for general arm development because it also works the triceps very well.

Maintain an overhand grip on a barbell at shoulder height while standing with your feet shoulder-width apart.

Bend your knees slightly, then straighten your legs while pressing the barbell overhead.

Return to shoulder level with the barbell and repeat.

Unlike a rigorous overhead press, the push press incorporates aspects of a shoulder and tricep exercise, enabling the use of larger weights. The leg drive partially initiates the movement, but the triceps take control when the barbell is driven aloft.

Additional Tips for Effective Tricep Training


Exercises with barbells to target the triceps are essential if you want to develop the strength and definition in your arms. These extra pointers will help you get the most out of your tricep exercises:

Warm Up Appropriately

To avoid injuries, make sure your muscles are sufficiently warmed up before beginning any hard lifting. Dynamic stretching and light cardiac exercise can be beneficial. A good warm-up helps the joints get ready for the activity by boosting blood flow to the muscles.

Gradual Overload

Increase your weight gradually to keep your triceps challenged and encourage muscle growth. Muscle growth is based on the progressive overload concept. Over time, considerable improvements can be achieved by gradually increasing the number of repetitions or adding small weight increments.

Correct Form

The proper form must be maintained to properly target the triceps and prevent pressure on other muscular groups, particularly the shoulders, and elbows. Poor form might result in ineffective workouts and injuries. Avoid using momentum to lift the weight and concentrate on making deliberate, steady movements.


Vary your regimen by including different barbell tricep movements to stimulate the triceps from multiple perspectives and avoid workout monotony. Including various workouts guarantees that the triceps’ three heads are worked, resulting in balanced muscle growth.

Rest and Recovery

Give your triceps enough time to rest in between exercises. Without enough rest, overusing the muscles can cause injuries and impede growth. To promote muscle recovery, take at least 48 hours off between tricep-focused workouts. You should also make sure you’re getting enough sleep and eating a healthy diet.


A healthy diet is essential for muscular growth and healing. Make sure your diet is well-balanced, with plenty of carbohydrates and healthy fats to fuel your workouts, and that you are getting enough protein to support muscle growth and repair.

Including Resistance Bands

Although the emphasis is on barbell workouts, adding resistance bands to your regimen can have further advantages. Resistance bands can increase tension and improve muscle activation when combined with barbell workouts.

Example Combination: Start with tricep extensions using a barbell lying down and immediately move on to tricep extensions using a resistance band. This combination will maximize muscular growth and exhaustion by maintaining constant stress on the triceps.

Resistance bands are especially helpful when concluding a workout with high-repetition sets that cause the muscles to become completely exhausted. Additionally, they can be used as a warm-up to engage the triceps before performing more difficult barbell exercises.

Tricep Exercises with a Dumbbell


You might also benefit from including dumbbell tricep exercises in your routine. Unilateral training with dumbbells ensures equal arm development and aids in correcting muscle imbalances.

Example of Dumbbell Exercise: Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Extension: Raise a dumbbell over your head with both hands, then bend your elbows to bring the weight down behind your head. Return your elbows to the beginning position while concentrating on tightening your triceps.

Dumbbell exercises might be easier on the joints and offer a wider range of motion compared to barbell workouts. However, including exercises with dumbbells and barbells guarantees complete development of the triceps. lets have a detail look on tricep mass.

Combining Exercises with Barbell and Dumbbell


Barbell and dumbbell workouts are common components of a well-rounded arm workout program. This combination guarantees full development of the muscles in the upper arms, enhancing balance and symmetry.

Barbell Lying Triceps Extension Workout Example 3 sets of 10–12 repetitions

Bench Press with Close-Grip Barbell: 3 sets of 8–10 repetitions

Barbell Tricep Extension Overhead: 3 sets of 12–15 repetitions

Tricep Extension with a Standing Barbell: 3 sets of 10–12 repetitions

Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extension: 3 sets of 12–15 repetitions

TRX Tricep Kickbacks: 3 sets of 15 repetitions for each arm

The workouts in this workout plan are designed to work the three heads of the triceps. Adapt the weights and repetitions to your desired level of fitness and your own objectives.

The Value of Stability at the Core


Keeping your core stable is essential when doing standing barbell triceps movements. In addition to ensuring good posture, a strong core helps prevent injuries. To keep your balance and control during the workout, contract your core muscles.

Example of Core Engagement: Place your feet shoulder-width apart and maintain a tight core while performing the standing barbell tricep extension. This steadiness will let you concentrate on your triceps without sacrificing form.

Core stability is necessary for safely and successfully performing heavy lifts. It also enhances general strength and athletic ability.

Muscle Groups Involved: Although the main focus of triceps barbell exercises is the triceps muscles, they also work a number of other muscle groups, including:

Chest: Exercises that work the chest muscles, such as the close-grip barbell bench press, have two benefits.

Shoulders: Many tricep exercises, particularly those done above, also work the muscles in the shoulders.

Core: When performing standing workouts, the core muscles stabilize the body.

Comprehending the roles played by these muscle groups facilitates the creation of a well-rounded exercise program that enhances the overall strength and definition of the upper body.

Safety Points to Remember



Always begin your workout with a full warm-up to get your joints and muscles ready. Incorporate dynamic stretches and gentle aerobics to improve blood flow and lower your chance of injury. learn how to warm up before any hard exercise.

Slow-moving Advancement

To prevent overtaxing the muscles and joints, increase weights gradually. Strains and other problems may result from abrupt weight increases.

The Right Tools

Make sure all of your equipment is functioning correctly. Make sure the barbell is free of damage, and use the right weights for your fitness level. There is an increased chance of injury while using defective or inappropriate equipment.

Monitoring and Identifying

Having a spotter can improve safety when lifting large weights, particularly during exercises like the barbell lying triceps extension or the close-grip bench press. If you find it challenging to finish a lift and need assistance maintaining good form, a spotter can help.


By including these seven barbell tricep workouts in your training regimen, you may dramatically increase the strength and definition of your arms. To consistently push your muscles and encourage growth, concentrate on appropriate form, progressive overload, and variation. You can develop well-defined, powerful arms by utilizing resistance bands, mixing barbell and dumbbell tricep workouts, and making sure your core is stable.

With every exercise, concentrate on using all three tricep heads, and remember the significance of nutrition and rest in achieving your fitness goals. These workouts will help you develop strong, muscular arms if you work at them consistently and with devotion. You can get the most out of your tricep workouts and meet your fitness objectives by knowing which muscle groups are involved, warming up properly, and taking safety precautions.