11 Kettlebell Exercises for Bigger Triceps

Kettlebell training has long been celebrated for its ability to deliver powerful, full-body workouts that enhance strength, endurance, and flexibility. When it comes to sculpting and defining your triceps, kettlebell tricep exercises are unparalleled. These dynamic movements not only target the triceps but also engage multiple muscle groups, offering a comprehensive approach to upper body strength and stability.In this guide, you’ll discover a carefully curated list of the most effective kettlebell exercises for triceps, each accompanied by detailed instructions and tips to perfect your form.

Additionally, we’ll explore exercises specifically targeting the long head of the tricep, a crucial area for achieving well-rounded, sculpted arms. Get ready to elevate your fitness journey and unlock the full potential of your triceps with these top kettlebell exercises.

1. Kettlebell Overhead Tricep Extension


From kettlebell overhead tricep exercises is a fantastic exercise for isolating the triceps. This movement targets the long head of the tricep, promoting muscle growth and definition.

How to perform:

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

Hold a kettlebell with both hands, positioning it behind your head.

Keep your elbows close to your ears and extend your arms upward, lifting the kettlebell overhead.

Lower the kettlebell back down slowly, focusing on controlling the movement.


This kettlebell tricep exercise strengthens the triceps and improves shoulder stability.

Tips for Success

To maximize the effectiveness of this exercise, ensure your core is engaged throughout the movement. This will help maintain proper posture and prevent lower back strain. Additionally, focus on a slow, controlled descent to maximize muscle engagement and avoid injury.

2. Single-arm kettlebell Tricep Extension


This tricep kettlebell exercise allows you to focus on one arm at a time, ensuring balanced muscle development and correcting strength imbalances.

How to perform

Stand with your feet hip-width apart.

Hold a kettlebell in one hand, raising it overhead.

Keep your elbow close, and lower the kettlebell behind your head.

Extend your arm back up, fully straightening it.


The single-arm variation enhances unilateral strength and improves muscle coordination.

Tips for Success

Perform this exercise in front of a mirror to ensure your form is correct. Keep your elbow stationary and avoid flaring it out to the side. This will keep the tension on your triceps and prevent shoulder involvement.

3. Kettlebell Floor Press


The kettlebell floor press is an excellent exercise for targeting the triceps and the chest. It provides a safe and effective way to build upper body strength.

How to perform

Lie on your back with your feet flat on the ground and your knees bent.

Keep each hand holding a kettlebell with the elbows bent 90 degrees.

Raise the kettlebells until your arms reach their maximum length.

With control, lower the kettlebells once more.


This exercise works the chest, upper back, and triceps, giving your upper body a complete workout.

Tips for Success

Keep your wrists straight and your elbows close to your body as you press. This helps to target the triceps more effectively and reduces strain on your shoulders. You can also check the more details on kettleball floor press in this detailed guide.

4. Kettlebell Skull Crushers


Kettlebell skull crushers are a powerful kettlebell tricep exercise that targets the triceps effectively.

How to perform

Lie on a bench or the floor with a kettlebell in each hand.

Extend your arms straight up, keeping your elbows locked in place.

Lower the kettlebells towards your forehead by bending your elbows.

Extend your arms back to the starting position.


This exercise isolates the triceps, promoting hypertrophy and strength gains.

Tips for Success

Focus on keeping your elbows fixed throughout the movement. This ensures the pressure remains on your triceps and prevents your shoulders from taking over.

5. Kettlebell Tricep Kickbacks


Kettlebell tricep kickbacks are great for isolating the triceps and improving muscle definition.

How to perform

Stand with your feet hip-width apart, holding a kettlebell in each hand.

Bend your knees slightly and lean forward at the hips.

Extend your arms backward, keeping your elbows close to your body.

Return to the starting position.


This exercise targets the triceps and engages the posterior chain and erector spinae muscles for stability.

Tips for Success

Keep your upper arms stationary and only move your forearms during the exercise. This will help to isolate the triceps more effectively. Squeeze your triceps at the top of the movement to maximize muscle engagement.

6. Kettlebell Push-Ups


Incorporating kettlebells into push-ups adds an extra challenge and enhances tricep activation.

How to perform

Place two kettlebells on the floor, shoulder-width apart.

Get into a push-up position, gripping the kettlebell handles.

Perform a push-up by lowering your chest towards the floor.

Push back up to the starting position.


This exercise strengthens the triceps, chest, and core, offering a full upper-body workout.

Tips for Success

  1. Keep your body straight from head to heels throughout the movement.
  1. Avoid letting your hips sag or pike up.
  1. Engage your core to maintain proper form and maximize the exercise’s effectiveness.

7. Kettlebell Clean and Press


The kettlebell clean and press is a dynamic exercise that works multiple muscle groups, including the triceps.

How to perform

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a kettlebell in one hand.

Perform a clean by lifting the kettlebell to your shoulder, then press it overhead.

Lower the kettlebell back to the starting position.


This exercise improves explosive strength, engages the triceps, shoulders, and latissimus dorsi, and enhances overall movement patterns.

Tips for Success

  1. Use your hips to generate power during the clean phase.
  1. Keep the kettlebell close to your body as you lift it to your shoulder.
  1. During the press, ensure your wrist is straight and your core is engaged to maintain stability.

8. Kettlebell Renegade Rows


Renegade rows are a compound exercise that targets the triceps, back, and core.

How to perform

Place two kettlebells on the floor, shoulder-width apart.

Get into a plank position, gripping the kettlebell handles.

Row one kettlebell towards your hip while stabilizing with the other arm.

Alternate sides.


This exercise builds tricep strength, improves core stability, and enhances upper-body muscle coordination.

Tips for Success

  • Keep your hips level, and avoid rotating your torso as you row.
  • Engage your core to maintain stability and maximize the exercise’s effectiveness.
  • Use a controlled motion to lift and lower the kettlebell, focusing on muscle engagement.

9. Kettlebell Tricep Dips


Kettlebell tricep dips are a bodyweight exercise that utilizes kettlebells for added stability and intensity.

How to perform

Place two kettlebells on the floor, shoulder-width apart.

Grip the kettlebell handles and lift your body into a dip position.

Lower your body by bending your elbows, then push back up.


This exercise targets the triceps and chest, promoting upper body strength and endurance.

Tips for Success

  • Keep your elbows close to your body and avoid flaring them out.
  • Lower yourself slowly to maximize muscle engagement and prevent injury.
  • Push through your palms to lift your body back up, focusing on engaging your triceps.

10. Kettlebell Racked Tricep Press


The kettlebell-racked tricep press focuses on the triceps while engaging the shoulders and core.

How to perform

Hold a kettlebell in the racked position (against your shoulder) with one hand.

Press the kettlebell overhead, fully extending your arm.

Lower it back down with control.

Benefits: This exercise enhances tricep strength and improves shoulder stability.

Tips for Success

  • Keep your core engaged to maintain proper posture and stability.
  • Avoid arching your back as you press the kettlebell overhead.
  • Focus on a slow and controlled descent to maximize muscle engagement.

11. Kettlebell Arm Bars


Kettlebell arm bars are an advanced exercise that targets the triceps and enhances shoulder mobility and stability.

How to perform

Lie on your back, holding a kettlebell in one hand.

Extend the kettlebell straight up, then roll onto your side.

Keep the kettlebell extended and hold the position.

Benefits: This exercise strengthens the triceps, improves shoulder stability, and enhances upper body mobility.

You can also Sculpt your arms with 11 effective Long Head Tricep Exercises. Elevate your fitness routine and strengthen your triceps. Plus, discover long head tricep exercises for optimal results.

Incorporating Kettlebell Tricep Exercises into Your Routine

Concentrating on the correct form and technique when adding kettlebell tricep workouts to your regimen is important. Starting with a weight that you can manage easily and progressively increasing the load as you gain proficiency is the recommended approach by personal trainers. Here are some pointers for an effective kettlebell workout:

Warm-Up: Start with a complete warm-up to get your muscles and joints ready for the workout. To improve blood flow, incorporate modest aerobic and dynamic stretches.

Correct Form: Never put more excellent value on correct form than on using larger weights. This lowers the chance of damage and guarantees you work the appropriate muscles.

Managed Motions: Execute every exercise mindfully, concentrating on the contraction and extension of your muscles. Refrain from lifting the kettlebell with force.

Progressive Overload: To keep pushing your muscles and encouraging growth, progressively increase the weight or intensity of your workouts.

Rest and healing: Give yourself enough time off between sets and exercises to avoid tiredness and encourage muscle healing.

Creating a Kettlebell Tricep Workout Plan


If you want to use kettlebell movements to build your triceps, consider including this workout plan in your program. This regimen includes a range of workouts to guarantee complete muscle development and activation.

Warm-up (five to ten minutes):

Stretches that are dynamic

Light cardiovascular exercise, such as jumping jacks or running

Kettlebell Overhead Tricep Extension – 3 sets of 12 reps

Single-Arm: Ten repetitions per arm, three sets of kettlebell tricep extensions

Kettlebell Floor Press – 3 sets of 12 reps

Skull Crushers kettlebell – 3 sets of 12 reps

Kettlebell Tricep Kickbacks – 3 sets of 15 reps per arm

Kettlebell Push-Ups – 3 sets of 10-15 reps

3 sets of 8 repetitions for each arm in the kettlebell clean and press

Kettlebell Renegade Rows – 3 sets of 10 reps per arm

Kettlebell Tricep Dips – 3 sets of 12 reps

Ten repetitions for each arm, three sets of kettlebell-racked tricep presses

Kettlebell Arm Bars – 3 sets of 30-second holds per arm

5-to 10-minute cool-down

Stretches that are static

Practices for deep breathing

Kettlebell Training’s Advantages for Building Triceps

Exercises with kettlebells for the triceps have many advantages over simply building muscle. The following are some of the main benefits:

Versatility: Kettlebells can be used for a variety of workouts, focusing on various muscle groups and enhancing general strength and conditioning.

Functional Strength: Many kettlebell exercises imitate common movement patterns by improving your functional strength and stability.

Enhanced Coordination: Working out with kettlebells requires balance and coordination, which improves your general motor skills and athletic ability.

Core Engagement: Many kettlebell triceps movements work the core muscles to improve stability and posture.

Time Efficiency: Because kettlebell exercises are frequently intense, they offer a good workout in a condensed amount of time.


Kettlebell tricep exercise are a tried-and-true method for developing stronger, more defined arms by raising your triceps. These top 11 exercises will help you target your triceps and work other essential muscle groups into your kettlebell training regimen. Always remember to concentrate on correct form, deliberate motions, and increasing overload to get the best results. These kettlebell exercises can improve your general strength and conditioning and help you reach your fitness objectives, regardless of your experience with weightlifting. Add these to your regimen, stick with it, and see the results as your triceps get bigger.