11 Long Head Tricep Exercises: Sculpt Your Arms Today

Focusing on your triceps is important if you strive for sculpted, well-defined arms. These powerhouse muscles at the back of your upper arms are the secret to achieving that chiseled look. Not only do they contribute significantly to your arm’s overall muscle mass, but they also enhance strength and functionality. You can transform your arms by dedicating effort to targeted triceps exercises, creating a more balanced and toned appearance. Whether you’re using weights, resistance bands, or bodyweight exercises, unlocking the full potential of your triceps will elevate your fitness game and leave you with enviable, head-turning arms. This in-depth guide will cover 11 lengthy head tricep exercises to help you reach your arm objectives. Let’s explore these beneficial workouts and discover how to apply them to your regimen.

1. Tricep Kickbacks


Due to their ability to effectively target the triceps muscle, tricep kickbacks are essential to any tricep workout.

Hold a dumbbell in each hand while standing with your feet shoulder-width apart.

Keep your back straight and your hands facing your body as you flex forward at the waist.

Keep your upper arms still while you extend your arms back.

At the peak, tighten your triceps, then return to where you were before.

This is one of the best exercises for targeting the long-head triceps because it isolates the muscle. The isolation that tricep kickbacks provide allows more muscular activation and growth, allowing you to concentrate solely on the triceps muscle, especially the long head. It’s crucial to keep the action regulated and refrain from using momentum to lift the weights during this exercise, as doing so can lessen its effectiveness and raise the danger of injury.

A well-rounded triceps workout is crucial for building upper arm strength and size, Lets explore the triceps workout here

2. Close Grip Bench Press


The close-grip bench press is a complex exercise that works the triceps, chest, and shoulders.

Beginning position: Lie on a bench and grasp a barbell with a grip smaller than your shoulder width.

Keep your elbows tight to your torso, and lower the bar to your chest.

Lift the bar back to the beginning and extend your arms to their maximum length.

This exercise is great for increasing the mass and strength of your triceps overall, especially in the long head. This is a great workout for building long head triceps because it changes the focus from the chest to the triceps when you use a close grip. The close grip bench press also strengthens your pressing muscles, which benefits other upper body exercises.

3. Lying Tricep Extensions (Skull Crushers)


Skull crushers, also called lying tricep extensions, are a great way to isolate the triceps.

Laying on a bench with a barbell or an EZ curl bar is the starting position.

With your arms outstretched and your hands shoulder-width apart, grasp the bar.

Bending your elbows, lower the bar toward your forehead.

Return your arms to their initial position.

This is a high-intensity workout that highlights the long head tricep exercises. Skull crushers are especially advantageous because they can maintain tension on the triceps throughout the exercise and promote better muscular hypertrophy. To get the most out of this workout, make sure to keep your motion calm and controlled, concentrating on contracting your triceps muscle.

4. Extension of the Overhead Dumbbell


The overhead dumbbell extension stretches the long head significantly, which stimulates the triceps.

Sit or stand with both hands gripping a dumbbell and your arms fully stretched above your head.

Bend your elbows to bring the dumbbell down behind your head.

With your arms extended fully, raise the dumbbell back to the starting position.

This exercise is excellent for increasing flexibility and isolating the triceps long head. The stretch of the above posture gives the long head and encourages better muscular growth and engagement. Keep your elbows close to your head when completing the overhead dumbbell extension to maintain perfect form and avoid putting undue strain on your shoulders.

5. Tricep Pushdown


The tricep pushdown is a traditional cable exercise that effectively isolates the triceps.

Face a cable machine with a V-bar or straight attachment.

Hold the bar with your elbows close to your sides using an overhand grip.

Lower your arms to the sides while tensing your triceps completely.

Return to the starting position slowly.

Varying the grip can highlight different tricep heads; a straight bar will highlight the long head more than the other. Because of its great versatility, the tricep pushdown can be used to target different regions of the triceps muscle using variations like the rope pushdown or reverse grip pushdown. To maximize the benefits of this exercise, make sure your posture is steady and refrain from pushing the weight with your shoulders.

6. Extension of Single-Arm Overhead Cable


With this exercise, you may isolate each tricep separately and get a wider range of motion.

Place yourself sideways next to a cable machine and pull its handle to the lowest position.

Lift your arm above your head while holding the handle with one hand.

Bending your elbow, lower the handle behind your head and raise it back up.

The above aspect of this action makes it very useful for targeting the long head tricep. The further benefit of isolating each arm with the single-arm overhead cable extension is better muscle symmetry and balance. To get the most out of this workout, lift the weight in a controlled manner and refrain from using momentum.

7. Tricep Dips


One bodyweight exercise that may be altered to target the triceps more than the chest is the tricep dip.

Place your hands next to your hips while sitting on the edge of a bench or dip bar.

Bending your elbows will help you lower your body until your upper arms are parallel to the floor.

Extend your arms and push yourself back up to the starting position.

Erect posture and elbows close to the sides guarantee that the triceps, particularly the long head, worked efficiently. In addition to strengthening the triceps, tricep dips are a great way to increase the stability and strength of your upper body. To maximize the efficiency of your tricep dip workout, maintain a controlled motion and refrain from utilizing your legs to help with the activity.

8. Cable Kickbacks


Cable kickbacks are a variation of the dumbbell kickback that provides constant tension on the triceps.

Fasten a handle to a cable machine’s low pulley.

With one hand held to the handle and the palms facing your body, bend forward at the waist.

Retrace your arm while maintaining a motionless upper arm.

At the peak, tighten your triceps, then go back to where you were before.

Because the cable offers constant tension, this exercise is great for isolating the long head. By keeping your triceps active over the whole range of motion, the cable kickback enhances muscular activation and growth. To get the most out of this workout, lift the weight with control and refrain from using momentum.

9. Diamond Push-Ups


Diamond push-ups are a strenuous bodyweight workout that specifically targets the triceps.

Starting position: Press your hands together to make a diamond shape with your thumbs and index fingers. This will put you in a push-up position.

Bending your elbows to keep them close to your sides can help you lower your body.

Return to the starting posture by pushing up while extending your arms fully.

This exercise works the chest, core, and long head tricep. Diamond push-ups are an excellent complement to any tricep exercise program as they successfully increase tricep strength and endurance. Keep in mind that allowing your elbows to flare out can lessen the exercise’s effectiveness, so keep your movements controlled to get the most out of it.

10. Pushdown with Reverse Grip Triceps


The reverse grip is a variant on the standard pushdown that works the triceps differently.

Starting position: Face a cable machine with a straight bar fastened.

Hold the bar with your elbows close to your sides using an underhanded grip.

Lower your arms to the sides while tensing your triceps completely.

Return to the starting position slowly.

The underhand grip is a terrific addition to your program since it places greater emphasis on the long head of the triceps. Because of its unusual grip angle, the reverse grip tricep pushdown is very useful for activating the long head. In order to get the most out of this workout, keep the motion regulated and refrain from pushing the weight with your shoulders.

11. Extension of the Tricep Overhead Rope


The resistance of a cable is added to the benefits of overhead extensions in this long head tricep exercises.

Starting position: Fasten a rope handle to a cable machine’s high pulley.

Keep your face away from the machine and both hands on the rope.

Bend your elbows to lower the rope behind your head after extending your arms overhead.

Return your arms to their initial position.

The above posture guarantees that the triceps’ long head is efficiently worked throughout the exercise. An additional advantage of the tricep overhead rope extension is that it keeps the triceps under continual strain, which enhances muscular activation and growth. To get the most out of this workout, make sure you lift the weight with a controlled manner and refrain from using momentum.

Why Focus on the Long Head of the Triceps?

Thelong head tricep exercises are essential for overall symmetry and arm bulk. The largest of the three tricep heads extends down the back of the arm from the shoulder blade to the elbow. Concentrating on long head tricep workouts contributes to a more defined, fuller appearance. Because it accounts for most of the triceps’ mass, the long head is crucial for developing powerful, well-defined arms.

Incorporating These Exercises into Your Routine


Consider adding the exercises to your daily routine is very important for your physical and mental health training regimen in the following ways to get the most out of them:

Warm-up: To enhance blood flow to your muscles, begin with a thorough warm-up. This can involve exercises like dynamic stretching, light aerobics, or arm circles.

Compound Movements: To work for numerous muscular groups, start with compound movements like tricep dips or the close grip bench press. Start your workout with these movements when you are at your strongest and most energized.

Isolation Movements: To target the long head especially, perform isolation exercises like cable kickbacks, tricep kickbacks, and lying tricep extensions thereafter. These workouts target the contraction of the triceps muscle and should be done with controlled motion.

Change the Angle: To fully engage the long head of the triceps, try a combination of standing, reclining, and overhead positions. This will ensure that you are working the triceps from several perspectives, enhancing muscular activation and growth.

Cool Down: Finish with a cool-down, including stretching and foam rolling, to aid in recovery. This can increase flexibility and lessen discomfort in the muscles.


It takes work to develop great triceps, but the lengthy head of the muscle needs the most attention. By including these top long-head tricep exercises in your regimen, you may increase the size and definition of your triceps and the general strength and appearance of your arms. Remember that getting the best outcomes requires consistency and the right form. So begin using these powerful triceps long-head workouts to tone those arms right now!